Sunday, 15 November 2009

1.3: Niraj Chag Questionnaire

This is the questionnaire that I prepared for Niraj Chag when he came to visit us.

Q) Where do you work?
A) He has his own music label. He is a writer/ producer.

Q) Did you go to university?
A) Yes, but he go kicked out of the A-level music course because he couldn't write music

Q) What did you study at school?
A) Economics

Q) What grades did you achieve in school/college/university?
A) N/A

Q) How did you get into the industry?
A) He started doing work experience for a studio and jumped from one company to another and eventually started his own label.

Q) Did you have any inspirations that made you want to join that industry?
A) Not really because he knew from young that he wanted to be in the music industry as he used to be in a band.

Extra Notes:
* He has been in the industry for 15 years.
* He started his own band at 11.
* At the age of 15, he started his own studio with basic technology. He got his information from books.
* At 17 he worked in a studio.
* He went to London when he was 19.
* He sent out demo tapes to various labels and before he was 20, he was signed as an artist.
* At 24 he left the record deal and signed to another on and started producing
* Writer/ Producer making beats and tracks
* He started recording his first album and it came out in 2006
* He then set up his own publishing company; for both famous and average people
* Administer royalties.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

1.3: When Niraj Chag Came To Visit Us..

Niraj Chag is a music producer and a director. When he was 15, he did work experience at a record label. He studied A-level music in college, but dropped out halfway through. So with no qualifications, he decided to start his own label. Since then he has directed some very interesting videos. Some of his work gets shown on the famous Indian music channel B4U.
An interesting example of his work is 'Ur Jaa'. It is a video which shows the stages of a woman's life and the growing of ivy. When she's younger their is hardly any ivy present, but as she ages, more ivy grows.
This is a video of 'Ur Jaa'

He told us how he made a lot of great links in the industry in order to get himself known. He said that it was important to be able to have courage and try out things you have never done before in order to be successful in the industry. He said you've got to be prepared to get rejected, especially if you have no education in the topic. Do not dwell on rejections, simply learn from them. Work experience is key in the industry as businesses look for people with the most experience and always want the best.